Thursday, March 29, 2007

Just in case you haven't seen it ...

Karl "let them eat cake" Rove embarrasses himself with white-man-underbite gangsta-posing.

Meanwhile, the administration is ever less able to wave off his link to the prosecutor firings.

and U.S. troops and Iraqi civilians continue to die daily ...

Oh, well -- long's Karl's got his groove on!


Anonymous said...

How can that be for real? Seriously. I watched it on TV and laughed my head off. Hilarious.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to cry.

BlankPhotog said...

Definitely has freak factor. Reminds me of Bush dancing like a monkey with Ricky Martin. Also reminds me of law school "follies" skits... There's nothing funnier than old bald people dancing... Er.

pohl said...

My favorite part of this story is how this embarassing performance came about: it's a reaction to the entertainment they scheduled last year.