Morning glory vines go crazy everywhere I plant them ... horribly invasive. Yet they practically never flower. Here's one, of a handful. Such a pretty purpley-blue, they're almost worth the trouble.
I've heard it's possible to develop allergies, and I'm afraid that's what I've gone and done. Suddenly this fall, working in the yard brings on such an eye-tearing, nose-tickling, multiple-sneeze-inducing, head-heavying sensation that I can hardly stand it.
A bout of babysitting the niece and nephews this weekend. Ryan, at 17 months, is heavily into an "I won't smile, and you can't make me" phase.
Family obligations cut into my weekend, making me feel as if I'd wasted my entire Saturday. Sad that I see it as wasted when I spend time with people who love me, instead of getting minutiae crossed of my "list."
But I did manage to check off two biggies:
1. I sent off the Peace Corps application. Now to tackle phase 2, the preliminary medical questionnaire, and to find appropriate volunteer experience.
2. With my remaining United miles, I booked a trip to Austin in October. Between that trip and Tucson in November, I have much to look forward to in the short term ... spending time in cool places, with very cool friends.
Thoughts for the day:
When women stop carrying
mirrors with them
everyplace they go
maybe then
they can talk to me
-- Bukowski
What is past is prologue.
-- Shakespeare, by way of Miz K
Beer is proof that god loves us & wants us to be happy.
-- Benjamin Franklin
You gotta drop to juggle.
-- Mark, by way of Vance
i love the Buchowski quote. on the feminism note, check out my recent post.
Ryan's eyes are hypnotic. it's like he knows he so handsome that he doesn't need to smile.
give my love to Austin, lady! go grab the Elvis Presley Memorial Platter at Chuy's. i'd send ya'll to Hoover's soul food, but there is precious little there for non-meat-eaters. and treat those Bastard's to a shot on me!
Now scenes from "Bye, Bye, Birdie" are stuck in my head.
So when are you headed for Va Beach again?
I am so proud of you finishing your app. That will be the coolest thing ever!!!
Is that the same adorable nephew from that fated night of babysitting you wrote about before? That blog should be published and shared with the world. It was, indeed, one of my favorites.
Miz N, if it helps change the song in your head, I was actually referring to "What's the Story, Morning Glory." Sorry you even know about "Birdie" ... what a stupid excuse for a movie ...
And no, the nephew to whom you refer is Ryan's *older* brother ... who is still doing the same ol' ... um ... shit, so to speak.
Miz K! Other Austin hotspots I should know about before I go?
don't go knockin' on "Bye, Bye Birdie"! i adored that film when it came out...granted i was too young to know what bad movies were, but on a field trip w/ my music teacher we sang that song "We love you Mr. Wilkens, oh yes we do!" i think i started it b/c i had one of those silly crushes that little girls get on their music teachers...ya, know?
oh...and i'll get a list of a few places for you to check out, but i'm positive vance knows how to show a nebraska girl a good time.
The Bukowski quote is great - thanks for sharing it. Have fun on your various trips, I know you will!
~ Nic
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