Mr. V called all the way from Germany today, a nice lift in an otherwise long and stress-filled workday. He'll get back to the States about a week before I head down to Austin. Music, motorcycles, Bastards and bicycles built for two. Can I get a woohoo?
If V hadn't reminded me, would I have known to look up at the harvest moon on the drive home this evening? I like to think I couldn't possibly have missed it, all vivid orange lurking behind looming, mysterious clouds. I so wanted to capture it, but my point-and-shoot will NOT take nighttime photos.
Random Miss Cellanea
1. My corporate stock is down below $15/share. Been hovering in the $16-$17 range for a good six months now. A year ago, and for long before that, it was at least $30. A sign of the times in the industry ... just when I need the cash ...
2. Hearing Kevin Smith kick trivia ass on "Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me" last weekend (thanks, Miz K!) led me to his blog, "My Boring-Ass Life," which is appropriately named. Would I waste my celebrity wealth on crashing on the couch in my wooby shorts watching DVDs all day and night? No, I would not. I don't even do that now. Then again, I'm not a brilliant filmmaker. I guess it counts as research/education. I've downloaded the podcast, too, but haven't listened to it. I subscribe to, like, a dozen, but I almost never listen ... the constant dialogue in my own head seems to keep me busy enough ...
3. I am cautiously optimistic about the situation in Myanmar (Burma). Six months ago, such large-scale demonstrations would have been unthinkable. But I think (hope?) international awareness has finally put it beyond the junta's control. Despite today's violence, the regime has to know that the world is watching and would (will?) step in if (when?) they try to crack down in a big way. Could real revolution possibly be brewing? Bloody as it likely would be, I hope so. I hope the people of Burma get the freedom they so deserve. I hope Aung San Suu Kyi has a few years of democracy ahead of her ...
4. I am still discovering the many ways I miss Miz K. Reason No. 567: I no longer have a regular drinking buddy! I so miss going out for cocktails and gossip. Or margaritas and mayhem. Or beer and Bastards!
5. Another thing about fall ... I actually love this time of year but hate to admit it. Open windows (could do without the constantly whining kids next door, though), crisp fresh air, nature starting to crunch underfoot, the vague smell of decomposition as nature's ashes go back to ashes. Sweaters. Suede boots. I'm ready for them, but ...
But it just means winter is coming. And I can't seem to put it out of my mind and just enjoy what is Now. Which leads me to ...
Mantra of the day:
Live in the moment ... live in the moment ... LIVE IN THE MOMENT ... must learn to live in the moment ...
Sorry I don't drink anymore.
Well, I'm not! I celebrate whatever is right for you.
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