Suddenly the morning glories have taken to flowering after all. They're supposed to be solid summer bloomers, but whatever; take what you can get when you can get it, I always say. Nothing prettier than a blue flower.
Sensory overloadWith all the money I don't have in my bank account, I went on a bit of a music binge this week. To wit:
"Breathing Under Water," Anoushka Shankar with Karsh Kale (daughter of Ravi, half-sis of Norah Jones, haunting Indian melodies/instruments with a distinct fusion flavor)
"Kala," M.I.A. (Sri Lankan female hiphop ... I'd meant to get this when it came out a couple years ago, but listening to her new disc just made me want this one even more ... a bit rougher around the edges)
"Betty Davis," Betty Davis ('70s funk that's like Macy Gray meets jazz meets disco ... thanks to Miz K for turning me on to her, but HOW could I never have heard of her before???)
"This is Trip-Bop," Fez Dispenser (globally ethereal trip-hop, thanks again to Miz K, but PLEASE stop introducing me to new music!! I can't afford it! "Rock on, girl!")
"Another Fine Day," Golden Smog (former side project of Jeff Tweedy and one of the Jayhawks)
"Please Panic," The Vulgar Boatmen (think I found them via NPR's "All Songs Considered" ... mid-'90s postgrunge, almost Wilco-y poplike, at least to my ear ...)
"The Very Best of The Last Poets," (so you thought the Sugar Hill Gang invented rap? Then you need to hear this spoken-word-over-bass-beat from the late '60s / early '70s. Afros and all. The revolution comes!")
"Mezzanine," Massive Attack (more older, layered, ethereal trip-hop ... what can I say? It's the mood I'm in lately...)
In my defense, most of these were used discs, so I'm just saving them from the landfill, right? Still, if my ears were my stomach, they'd be all bloaty right now ... must learn to pace myself ...
I "love" this "blog"!The Associated Press had
a story today on
this blog devoted to "unnecessary" quotation "marks."
Which links to other bloggers obsessed with:
misuse of the word "literally";
people who leave passive-aggressive notes; and
signs in all caps except for the letter "L."Sadly, the link to a blog about my own pet peeve, misused apostrophes, doesn't work.
Who knew so many could be so obsessed about such minutiae?
Copy editors of the world, untie!
And now, the newsToo lazy/chickenshit to blog politics, so I'll just link. If you haven't heard this shit already, then you're not paying enough attention ...
Student charged with wearing fake bomb (aka a T-SHIRT) to airportNo bail for Jena Six teenJudge denies Planned Parenthood's request to open clinic That number again is ... As of this moment, I have 69 friends on MySpace ... heehee ...
The tables have turnedSo it's 10 p.m., I'm nearly through my third High Life and waiting for my parents to come home. How's that for a 180? They're staying with me this weekend for my dad's 40th dental school reunion. I'm resisting the urge to shriek "And just WHERE have you BEEN?" when they come home ... meanwhile, after they leave, I'm going to have to fumigate to rid the place of my dad's aftershave and that just plain old-people smell. How sad ... my folks are old!