Tuesday, May 8, 2007

What I did today.

Three and a half flats planted. A bit of transplant surgery here and there. A growing list of more to get at Campbell's tomorrow.

Best day I've had in I don't know when.


Currently reading:

"Disgrace," J.M. Coetzee (actually, read the whole thing before sleep and in the morning before getting out of bed. Lovely. Heartbreaking)

"Harvest for Hope: A Guide to Mindful Eating," Jane Goodall (I'll have more to say on this soon)

"The Best American Travel Writing 2002" (If I can't afford to go on vacation, I bring the vacation to me)


Thoughts for the day: Three from Wendell Berry:

"Be joyful though you have considered all the facts."

"Eating is an agricultural act."

"Every day do something that won't compute."



Anonymous said...

I'm jealous!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed the party -- it was stormy and I was cranky. Feeling slightly better rested now, and going to see the parents this weekend in Tennessee -- hoorah!

Lincoln Writer said...

Another three flats from Campbell's yesterday -- so that's how I'll be spending today.

Also making plans for camping this weekend @ Indian Cave.

AJ, you missed little and there'll be plenty of other parties.

Party highlights:

Flamethrowing jugglers: 1

Fires in front yard: 0

Used catheters in garbage: 1 (really! OMG! I have no idea, and I don't WANT to know!)

Makeout sessions with someone I was recently sweet on who just doesn't seem to be that into me, and that's OK -- it was what it was: 1

Anonymous said...

Oh shoot. I didn't realize I could have had a Becki makeout session ...

BlankPhotog said...

Holy gardening, Batgirl!