The Divine Miz Emily, local purveyor of fine imports and my personal guruess, gave me this little pendant that means so much to me at this stage in my life. The front says “Peace” in Arabic; the back has a spiral indentation. Could it be more appropriate for me?
Gawd, am I ready to get out of this town.
Luckily, I leave manana en la manana!
This isn't the big goodbye ... just the big pre-goodbye adventure. Goin' down Tucson way to visit Miz K. She, Miz J and I are drivin' down to Mexico for a couple days on the beach at Puerto Penasco. Then a big birthday bash for the K-ladee. Some hiking, I hope. Can't wait to get down there.
Lincoln's just irritating me these days. Know I'll miss it somethin' awful when I'm gone, but lately I've been revisiting old behaviors/emotions/ghosts, and not in a terribly healthy way. Maybe it's all part of the process of moving on? Dunno.
Quote of the day:
Overheard at Jones Coffee:
“But he’s already married. He can’t get married again – that’s bigotry!”
Thanks for the comment heads-up on my blog. I look forward to meeting you in...3 weeks! I hope you're further along in preparing yourself than I am.
Krista's got hearts; you've got peace. And I think I've got kilts. Seriously. I'll have to explain sometime soon.
Again, if I haven't told you enough, I am so excited for you!!!! I wish I could fit in your suitcase.
Give Miz K big hugs for me!
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