Tomorrow I sign away my little bungalow. And just when all my little planting projects are finally coming to fruition! Those roses on the drainpipe are blooming for the first time in the three years I've lived here.
Lola has been a dear friend to me. I'll miss her ... but I'm ready to move on.
What I'll miss:
My backyard oasis ... sipping High Life on the patio, surveying my domain of salvia and penstemon, hostas and honeysuckle, monitoring the comings and goings of bunnies and crows, polka numbers seeping up from the Antelope Park bandshell, alone with my laptop or laughing with good friends.
Mowing the lawn.
Showering. (New digs are lovely and serendipitous but set up for baths only.)
On-call Internet.
My sunny yellow walls.
Getting my hands in the dirt ... weeding or finding space for just one more plant.
Lazy Saturday afternoons on the front porch, rocking on the swing while Miz Amy smokes on the steps.
Being surrounded by books I love.
The backyard parties -- pinatas, broken hoes and all.
What I won't miss:
The constant screech and whine of the Baptist brats next door.
Mowing the lawn.
The monthly mortgage.
The sad little things that needed attention I couldn't afford to give -- leaky faucets, peeling paint,
Where I'm headed:
I'm blessed to have a lovely new home to settle into, even if temporarily. Thanks to the Subversive Bookstore Maven!
Come tomorrow, no more Internet at home*. Come June 29, no more car. But I have everything I need: a badass bike and two strong legs to power it; an expansive front porch from which to survey a whole new neighborhood; a box of books, and another of wine; a portable iPod sound system; big ideas and dear friends to keep me company over the next two months.
*Read: No more obsessive emailing or blog/Facebook/MySpace posting! So don't panic if you no longer hear from me 1,000 times a day ... getting online will mean hauling ass to a coffee shop or my brother's house. Or figuring out how to use a phone card. If anyone can enlighten me on that, let me know ...)
Quote of the day:
"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away." – Hakuin
(from a returned Peace Corps volunteer ... interesting, no?)
The truth is near and it's Lucifer far away. So, go there now?
Go figure.
ooh, i love that quote. sometimes i think we need to go far before we can recognize the truth that is near to us.
best of luck tomorrow! selling a house is sad, but so exciting. you have big things in your future!
love you, see you soon!
Not sure what the anonymous commenter above is trying to say. Anyone?
As a modernist would say, "Wherever you go, there you are."
Phone card: Do you mean as in using your cell phone for internet? You need to add a special service to your current phone service, Alltel is $25-30, sign a service agreement for probably two years, buy software, $40, and it's as slow as dial-up despite what the television commercials profess.
I think that is the first reference to Lucifer on your blog so far. Interesting.
Lola has been a beloved friend and a nurturing shelter, not to mention a fabulous party hostess!
Great adventures are awaiting you, and Lola.
Big hug!
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