The formal invitation finally arrived yesterday. Morocco: Yes! Youth development: Yes! Leaving in September: Yes, indeed! Now all I have to do is call Monday to enthusiastically accept.
I'd been thinking to get a part-time job this summer, mostly to fill time but also for walking-around money.
But I don't really see how I can fit one in, what with all I hope to accomplish in the next two months before I leave ...
My summer to-do list:
Brush up on my high school/college French.
Start learning Darija (Moroccan Arabic).
Read everything I can get my hands on about Morocco.
Download teaching methods and study tips on youth development.
Take long daily bike rides on the MoPac.
Improve my yoga skills. (So I can practice in Morocco ... ad possibly even teach others?)
Study transcendental meditation. (Don't laugh, there's a local instructor, and I mean to get in touch with him!)
Take up belly dancing? (You know, when in Morocco ... )
Stop telling myself I can't/don't cook, and practice a few dishes I can make with ingredients available from your typical souk.
Volunteer with Community CROPS ...
... and with Nebraska AIDS Project ...
... and with Lincoln Literacy Council ...
Spend more time with family.
Spend more time with friends.
Relax! (It may be my last chance for a couple of years)
This list is nearly as ridiculous as my Peace Corps packing list! But you can see why I can't find time to be employed ...
I heartily recommend unemployment and self-directed enlightenment. :) And, I will be happy to MoPac with you as often as possible!
remember my friend samantha? she's a belly dancer. i'll bet she could hook you up with some lessons.
again, super big congrats!
(you forgot to put "visit arizona" on your list of things to do before you leave.)
Congrats on your invite! It looks amazing!
Hey there, and congrats on joining the PC Morocco clan! You are officially the first person from your group(aka stage)that I have spoken to, and its definitely exciting to see who I'll be working with for a year.
I would love your help on my project, as that it is much needed. It is still in its very beginning stages, the primary one being getting the kids to actually do work during the summer.
I look forward to meeting you in a few months. Good luck packing, and let me know if you have any questions!
Chris Blackwood
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