Friday, May 23, 2008

So, let's hope bad news does NOT come in twos.

I was overly optimistic yesterday.

(Me? Shocking, I know.)

Y'all must be tired of me jerking you up and down in tandem with my emotions and my subsequent jerking-around by PC.

So no more boring details, especially for the gyno-squeamish.

Just this:

I no longer medically qualify for the Tanzania program.

I'll let you know what comes next as soon as I have a clearer idea of what it is. I'll land on my feet, even if I skin my knees first.

I am so blessed to have many loving family and friends to have my back, and even my virtual online friends who I've never met in person but have been so supportive and encouraging. My mantra is the thanks I give daily for you all. Namaste.


Anonymous said...

Friends always go along for the ride, even the bumpy ones.

vmh said...

Roller coaster ride they put you through. Wow.

Keep us informed when you can. Wow again.

Unknown said...

I can break some knees if needed ...

Anonymous said...

I'm right behind AJ! I'll chop 'em down at the knees and she'll break 'em : )

Seriously, I'm so sorry you're going through all of this. I'm still praying for you and sending out all my love!


Christie said...

Best of luck with everything!

I'm thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

oh dear becki. we are so sorry that bureaucracy is such a bitch. and we would be totally more effective ass-kickers than anna jo, cause we're bigger. i don't fear the government. damn the man.

for serious, you will land on your feet, and something a thousand times better than working for the man will come along. promise. and there's always arizona...

we can't wait to see you on thursday, and we love you.

michael and jill/jill and michael

Anonymous said...

Something good is coming your way, fear not!! :)
