If you have any handy, lob 'em in the direction of Burger King.
Do you remember the Taco Bell boycott a few years back, because the Bell wouldn't agree to a measly increase in wages for the migrant workers who pick their produce? A boycott that actually got relatively quick results.
Now it's Burger King's turn. As "Fast Food Nation"'s Eric Schlosser writes in today's New York Times, BK won't sign on to a similar agreement, thus killing deals with the other fast-food giants. The pickers are asking for a mere penny's raise per pound of tomatoes -- meaning they'd earn about 77 cents per bucket. The head of a "growers" (landowners) consortium calls this request "pretty much un-American." They and the fast-food giants say it's the owner's right to run his business "his way" (think BK's "have it your way" motto).
Sure, but it's equally the consumer's right -- and responsibility -- to decide how to spend her/his money. And you can decide not to spend it on a company that thinks so little of those who do its backbreaking work. And you can further tell BK that you want it "your way" -- you're willing to pay extra to inch even closer to a fair wage for those workers.
It's interesting to note that one of Burger King's main stockholders is financial giant Goldman Sachs. The CEO of Goldman Sachs "earned" a $53.4 million bonus last year -- a Wall Street record. And thats just his bonus, not his "earnings."
An extra penny per bucket of tomatoes, by contrast, would cost Burger King $250,000 a year.
This pisses me off particularly because I don't do fast food anymore -- yet yesterday, while volunteering at Nebraska AIDS Project, I had a caffeine craving and went down the block for a Diet Coke. And what's down the block from NAP? Burger King, of course.
So I want to ask each of you to do two easy things -- especially easy compared with the average tomato picker's work of picking two tons of tomatoes a day (think about that for a sec):
1. Boycott Burger King. Because, beyond the health and environmental and animal rights reasons, is this really where you want your money to go? To help the CEOs of the world earn billions on the backs of those who do their dirtiest, hardest labor?
2. Contact BK and tell them why you're boycotting:
Burger King
Consumer Relations Department
5505 Blue Lagoon Drive
Miami, FL 33126
(305) 378-3000
There. I've made it pretty easy for you. You could even just copy and paste a version of this post into your letter or email. It'll take you, like, five minutes. You can do that for some fellow human beings, can't you?