My plans to stalk the role model of my youth have been dashed. It seems Winona Ryder has backed out of the movie being filmed around Louisville/Plattsmouth. I *so* wanted to be Winona circa "Reality Bites." She was so tiny and impish and impulsive ... Audrey Hepburn for the slacker generation ...
Just tonight, a relatively new friend asked whether I'd ever had short hair. I had 2-inch long locks for most of my adult life. I was striving for Winona, but I think I just came off as butch.
I forget that so many people in my life now don't know the "old" me. Even I have a hard time remembering her. Part of me wonders who I'd become if I were to cut my hair ... it grew out just as I grew into myself, and as a result I think I've given it a Samsonesque quality.
Meanwhile, the stranger who was the husband to the "old" me gave me a birthday gift tonight ... a Tshirt that says "Holy Crap! I'm 40!" Just the gift to pick up at The Wal-Mart along with a case of Old Milwaukee on your way to the big birthday bash at the trailer park.
In related news, Miz K informs me via TM that she cut her hair off this weekend. I'll get to see for myself in a few days ... I take off Wednesday evening for Tucson. Can't wait to see the town, the lovely little abode ... but most especially Miz K herself!
I plan to be hiking a nearby mountain on my 40th birthday. And no, I won't be wearing that damn T-shirt.
I insist that you wear that t-shirt!! It's a must for the scrapbooks!
Hey, I always thought you were pretty darn cute with short hair. But then again, you're always gorgeous!
Hmm. I wonder what the evolved me will look like.
Have loads of fun with Miz K!!
Hair is overated.
It's odd: I check your blog everyday but this post didn't show up for me until today (Thursday).
I disagree... hair is underrated!
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