What I love about fuschias is how they look so exotic, yet (if treated as an annual) require almost no special treatment. Perfect to gaze at as I'm lazing on the porch swing.
Playing with fire.
I am so not a renaissance festival person; we went to support Miz K's boyfriend, the juggler; and our friend Jeff was pouring the wine.
"Because nothing says Renaissance like Sno-Cones." -- Miz K
"Your boyfriend's prancing." -- Gwyneth to Miz K
"All dead men are cremated equal." -- Calligraphy card for sale
Day of rest? What day of rest?
Wrote a mini book review for Sunday's Journal Star -- which still sits, still in its annoying plastic wrapper, on my dining room table. Busy weekend -- rode to Eagle and back with Al and his friends Sunday in the a.m., rushed home to shower and rush to Pioneers Park Nature Center for the Divine Miss Em's 8th birthday party, rushed back home to meet Jeff who kindly made new screens for my basement windows; rushed through planting my weekend purchases; rush rush rush ... I need a day off ...
My new favorite coffee shop.
The owner's lovely as well, offering us samples of the lavender lemonade she was working on. Gossip is she was popped for embezzling awhile back, but she's wonderfully enthusiastic and has created a great space with lots of tasty treats, and I hope she can make a go of it.
It must have wireless 'cuz I saw Bob Hall there -- so pay a visit, y'all! I'm biking to work this morning and so plan to pick up a roasted eggplant sandwich for lunch on the way. And try the ginger lemonade.
Recycling tip of the day.
Campbell's Nursery at 40th and South has a bin at the back of the parking lot where you can dump empty flats, plastic pots, etc. If you won't reuse them, don't throw them away!
Oh! A new coffee shop! And so close to our neck of the woods!
I'll stop there today, thanks!
Lavender lemonade? How yummy!! I'll write more on your myspace...
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