My favorite subversive used bookstore maven had a reading tonight with Betty Levitov -- a lovely evening all around. Betty says it's possible to rent a home in Malawi or elsewhere in eastern Africa for $20 or so a month. So tempting I can hardly stand it ... I wouldn't even need to set up an income source, at least not anytime soon. More research is definitely in order; meanwhile, I hope Bookstore Maven, Betty and I can get together again sometime soon, as I really enjoyed meeting her.

Between the reading and the party, I popped across the alley to Homer's for what likely will be my last visit -- the downtown store closes for good Saturday. This popped out at me from nowhere, and it's like coming full circle: I'm pretty sure I bought my first X album from the Homer's on Howard Street. We used to go to Omaha every summer for back-to-school clothes, then down to the Old Market so Dad could stock up on jazz at Homer's and Drastic Plastic -- 10 or 12 albums at a time, one of the few times he took visible pleasure in any activity. It made an impression; even today, nothing feels more indulgent than scouring a record shop for music I didn't even know I wanted 'til I happened across it. Cruising iTunes just isn't the same. Homer's, I'll miss ya.
The FDA today approved
a birth-control pill for continuous use -- eliminating the menstrual cycle completely. I have such mixed feelings about this.
I already take a pill that cuts my periods down to four a year. I'll admit it: I take it for the convenience. (It'd be a helluva miracle if I got pregnant, even if I *were* having sex with anyone besides myself). I hate the mess, the planning ahead, the discomfort.
But I also wonder, constantly, about what one researcher told MSNBC:
"Menstruation is a normal life event — not a medical condition. ... Why medicate away a normal life event if we’re not sure of the long-term effects?”
Actually, finances (and, again, a lack of legitimate need) have me experimenting with going off the pill. If I can be more self-righteous as an added bonus, so much the better.
Spring isn't spring without lilacs; the late frost killed 'em this year. But iris from the side yard are good. Peonies should be popping open any time now, too.
Irises are my favorites! I got fuschia today to my mother's great appreciation. We'll see what happens. I'll keep you posted on the homefront beautification.
Y'see? You keep disparaging your "brown thumb" when I'm sure it's green underneath. Anyway, all thumbs are brown when covered in garden soil!
1. Dropping by after being blog negligent, and can't help but notice the definite focus on plants, flowers and other living non-human things.
2. Would like to hang out sometime!
Well, head on down I-80, lady! We'd love to have you. What's your weekend like???
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