I'd just gotten out of the shower when the door rang. Cops milling about my front yard/street, and one at the door asking what I knew about the teddy bear. What teddy bear?
Apparently an abandoned teddy bear had been lying in my lawn, and some passerby called the police because it was "leaking a white powdery substance." I know this not because of the unnecessarily rude cop who rang my bell -- he just said "Stay inside" and walked away when I asked what was going on. Meanwhile, firetrucks are blocking both ends of the street and more cops are cordoning off my front yard with police tape. How is all this activity not supposed to scare me?
Thank *goodness* a cute firefighter was available to amble over and answer my questions from the safety of my front porch. And thank goodness this country is full of Good Amerricuns who when to call the authorities. A ripped up teddy bear oozing powdery innards -- alert the police at once! Our public safety is at risk! The terrorists are at it again!
Men in various uniforms stood around for awhile, one took pictures, bagged the bear and ... scene.
Two blogs in one morning ... how lucky are you that my life is *this* fascinating?
dude, i totally head that call on the scanner at the office! haha! although i'm not sure how i missed hearing the address. guess that tells you how much attention i pay to the scanner.
oh, and i'm so glad you had a good time in austin. knew you would!
How strange. Aren't you relieved to see your tax dollars at work?
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