The best part of buying the new Rilo Kiley was discovering that Charlie Burton now works at the Homer's out by Gateway. I'd worried about him when the downtown store closed.
No, wait -- the best part was when Charlie Burton tossed in a free 45 of "Moneymaker." I'll have to drag out my turntable!
"Dreamworld" sounds a bit Garbage-y to me; "Moneymaker" is downright Top 40. I knew going in that it was more polished/poppy than their earlier discs ... but it also feels a bit less passionate. Even so, that Jenny Lewis voice ... it's one of those that's tied, in my mind, to a difficult period, and even though the music is new, I'm still finding her a bit difficult to hear ... when, exactly, does all this mental linkage stop?
The pic, btw, is by Al Schaben, who I believe was a few years behind me at UNL's illustrious J-School. If only I hadn't done so badly in Photojournalism 1 ... maybe I too could be photographer to the celebrity indie stars! ...
Before Monday night's storm, the big backyard bed looked like this:
Now the morning glories are no more ... dragged down by the heavy winds, killing the copper trellis as well and smushing coleus and grasses in the process of falling over. Lucky that's the extent of my damage; Miz C lost a pretty young maple in her front yard. We'll see what the current storm does ... a sonic boom of thunder just now ... power was out for about an hour ... the rain itself is gentle and cool, though ...
In other garden news: No more tomaters: The battered plant has died back. They were purty -- and sweet! -- while they lasted ...
Free-form bouquet of zinnias and shastas from the backyard:
I found Miz Em's story on my computer ... the one she was writing while we were hanging out at the Blue Line in Omaha a few weeks ago. I think you'll agree it's a compelling read:
One scary night a dog named carmel went to a coffee shop to see what is going on in there. So he saw his own brother doing he did not see me because I am small for his age his brother stood up and he went to the boys room. He came in and said hi,to his brother His brother was mad at him so they talked until they had to go home. So his brother telled his mom what happened at the coffee shop when Carmel went to bed. In the morning he tried to beat his brother to the paper and he did. He saw a cat so he chased it. He saw his friend Budderball, Rosebud, and there brother LUCA.Budderball was here for Carmel. Rosebud was here for Alana. LUCA was here for D.C. CARMEL and Budderball were spying on the girls and the boys. Carmel spyed on the Girls. Budderball spyed on the boys. The girls were playing with Alanas dolls. The boys were hearing Gwen Stephani. Then they went to Carmels room to play. Then they all went to the park then Carmel and everyone got into a circle so they told everyone what they did at home. When they went to school they told everyone almost in the entire school
... To be continued?
Meanwhile, she came back from our weekend all jazzed about going vegetarian -- with no prompting from me, I swear. Her folks have their hands full, raising an 8-year-old full of opinions and convictions ...
Just passing this info along, folks ...
Solidarity March And Vigil To Be Held For Injured Lincoln Activist
Alex Svoboda
This Sunday, August 26, 2007, the Nebraska Coalition for Peace and Nebraskans for Peace will be sponsoring a march and vigil in solidarity for Alexandra Svoboda starting at 12:30 PM on the north steps of the Nebraska State Capitol.
Svoboda, formerly of Lincoln, was seriously injured on August 11, 2007 while being arrested by the North Providence, Rhode Island Police Department during a peaceful protest against labor practices of a New York food distributor used by a local restaurant.
She suffered severe injuries, which have required three vascular surgeries thus far to save her left leg. Orthopedic surgery is on hold to repair her knee ligaments.
The march in Lincoln coincides with a similar peaceful rally in North Providence the same day. Family members and local labor activists will speak briefly before the rally heads north on Centennial Mall to the south side of the federal building on “O” Street where a vigil in support of Alex will be held.
“We need to stand up in support of Alexandra and other peaceful activists who are victimized while exercising their first amendment rights,” said Nick Svoboda, brother of Alexandra.
Svoboda’s injury while peacefully protesting highlights the struggle still faced by many citizens in our nation. The Nebraska Coalition for Peace and Nebraskans for Peace urge all communities of activists to join in supporting peaceful demonstrations and actions by citizen activists.
Just passing this along, as well ...
U.S. Out of Iraq march and rally
11 a.m. Sept. 15
15th and P streets
I have a blog I want y'all to read. An old friend/former coworker is in the military and has been serving in Kandahar. (Actually, she's on her way home right now but expects either to be sent back to Kandahar or to go to Iraq soon.)
psychosomatic sunburn
As you can imagine, she needs to be fairly anonymous/circumspect in any criticism of the government/military. But she makes some astute points about how things are working (or not). And she's a phenomenal photographer and has posted several heartbreaking stories about what she's seen/documented. You'll learn from her -- trust me.
Currently reading: Moloka'i by Alan Brennert
Currently hearing: "You Are Free" by Cat Power (at Meadowlark Coffee, which just proves how very hipster they are 'round her!)
Haven't seen your backyard for weeks. Things have really grown.
Good ol' Al.
you know your niece is cool when she incorportes Gwen Stephani into a short story! love that girl! and the flowers are lovely...nice vase, by the way.
thanks for the gift certificate for Antigone books. you are so lovely!
miss you1
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