(*Believe me -- a sweaty and poor Becki is not a sexy Becki!)
In other prurient news:
Based solely on his mug shot and his badass writing, I've developed a ginormous crush on Bob Nelson over at the World Herald. Enough so that I've actually emailed a former coworker, now at the Weird, to see if he's straight/single. Good lord. Nothing but embarrassment can come from this.
Badass Bitches Dept.:

There's a Lincoln-area woman in this very feminist calendar -- not cheesy cheesecake pinups, but hardworking, talented, knowledgeable women working on engines.
Could've used one earlier today, because ...
Glass Half Full Dept.:
Hopped in the car this morning to find the engine wouldn't even turn over -- not even a cranky whine. The annoyance of calling roadside assistance and the dealership, then the wait, then the shuttle to/from work ...
Just needed a new ignition switch. All covered by warranty. And got a much-needed car wash and vacuuming to boot. Bonus!
I can give you all the information you want on Bob Nelson. We were at the DN together. Somewhere I’ve got some b&w prints of him in a toughman contest he entered at Pershing for a story. He got his ass kicked. One of Eric's funniest college is stories is about himself and Nelson.
However, Bob is married and has children.
Forgot: Women have no idea what men think is sexy.
Yeah, I already got the scoop. I don't have many dealbreakers in the dating sphere, but married w/kids is at the top of the list! Alas, the crush must be limited to the writing ... giving him a column is the best move the Weird's made in ages.
And I know *exactly* what men think is sexy ... unfortunately, I have all my teeth, I'm over 3 feet tall and my head isn't flat.
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