Monday, February 12, 2007

Wet blanket.

So I'm in the locker room at my gym, with a woman I've talked with a few times. She turns on one of the showers, comes back out, starts running water in the sink, then proceeds to take her sweet time undressing, chatting, organizing ... it's a good 5 minutes before she tosses a sports bra into the sink, water still running, and ambles her way into the shower.

How much water must she have poured down the drain (literally) in those 5 minutes? I wish I'd had the nerve to say something. I didn't.

When I was in Mexico, I quickly got used to stepping under the spray to get wet, then turning it off while I soaped up, turning it on again just to rinse. I feel guilty for failing to bring that habit home to Nebraska; it just gets too damn COLD here.

But even if I'm going all-out -- washing/conditioning hair, shaving various body parts, exfoliating -- I don't think I take even 5 minutes in the shower. I sure as hell don't understand those who leave the faucet running while they're brushing teeth, scrubbing pots, etc.
I just got home from a country where the vast majority of residents must walk a certain distance -- yes, even in the cities -- to gather water in 5-gallon drums and then carry it home again. You'd better believe not a drop is wasted -- even the graywater gets used again.

Water is a finite resource, people. Why waste it just because we can?


Good news:

My doctor called today. Biopsy showed absolutely nothing. She'll check again in a year, just to make sure.


Does this disturb anyone?

I just turned on the news (to see whether I should go out and shovel now, or do it in the dead of the morning ... neither a good option, imo), and heard a Wendy's commercial using the Violent Femmes' "Blister in the Sun."

Even worse than the first time I heard "I Melt With You" being used to sell something ... that was burgers, too, wasn't it?


Currently reading: "Step Across This Line: Collected Nonfiction 1992-2002," Salman Rushdie
Currently listening: "Wrecking Ball," Emmylou Harris


Anonymous said...

I was irked by Wendy's use of the Violent Femmes, too. Obviously trying to market to peeps our age. I think "Melt With You" was used in a Ritz commercial but I could be wrong ...

I'm just so happy to finally have a shower for the first time in 14 years - it cuts my morning getting-ready-for-work-time nearly in half!

~ Miz N. :)

Anonymous said...

I remember when I was in India how people would fill a couple gallon jug from the nearest water source, often by the roadside, suds up and rinse away with no qualms, not completely naked but almost. We should save as much water as possible so Kansas doesn’t run out.

Anonymous said...

We had water in Panama, but it was ice cold (and I usually take skin scorching hot showers). Even when my family turned on the hot water heater for my morning showers (not something I was a brat in asked for, by the way), I felt no change in temperature.